Mobile Work Station


Challenging yourself to recreate a room within the confinements of a 24" x 36" x 48" was a interesting switch to the usual brief. This limitation challenged me to make the most out of such limited space. After choosing my work desk as a point of entry I started by creating a variety of sketches. The final “throw away sketch” just happened to spark an interesting idea by its simplicity and after creating a working model I saw its potential. Folding out a desk with a built in bench in 3 snaps felt so satisfying. After the full scale model was built I realized that it should have one more function because when shut it became nothing more than a box. After analyzing the negative space that was created by the cut outs, I envisioned a cushioned chair that could be put to use when closed. This created frustration at first for not seeing this from the start but excitement took over when the opportunity to further this project was in play!